Identification of an Appropriate Operating Strategy under ABT for Frequency Regulation in a Non-Linear Multisource Power System Linked Through a Hybrid AC/DC Tie-Line
This research verifies Frequency-Linked Pricing (FLP)-based operating strategies under an availability-based tariff (ABT) for automatic generation control (AGC) of multisource power systems with nonlinearity and interconnections via AC/DC Tie-Lines. Through modeling and simulation in Matlab/Simulink, this study also identifies a comparatively superior and more appropriate FLP-based operating strategy for AGC under ABT. Different ABT operating techniques yield Generating Control Error (GCE) by combining unscheduled interchange (UI) charges corresponding to frequency deviation and the marginal cost of generation. Three FLP-based operating strategies are compared to standard operating strategies. In addition, several load pattern scenarios are analyzed to ensure a suitable FLP-based operational strategy. The economic accounting associated with UI pricing for FLP-based operational strategies has been analyzed. The outcomes demonstrate that the operational approach that compares actual UI charges and marginal expenses to their respective reference values excels relatively well.
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Dholakiya, V. M. , and Suthar, B. N. . "Identification of an Appropriate Operating Strategy under ABT for Frequency Regulation in a Non-Linear Multisource Power System Linked Through a Hybrid AC/DC Tie-Line", Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, 13, 3, 2025, 212-222. doi: 10.22098/joape.2024.12858.1977
Dholakiya, V. M., Suthar, B. N. (2025). 'Identification of an Appropriate Operating Strategy under ABT for Frequency Regulation in a Non-Linear Multisource Power System Linked Through a Hybrid AC/DC Tie-Line', Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, 13(3), pp. 212-222. doi: 10.22098/joape.2024.12858.1977
V. M. Dholakiya and B. N. Suthar, "Identification of an Appropriate Operating Strategy under ABT for Frequency Regulation in a Non-Linear Multisource Power System Linked Through a Hybrid AC/DC Tie-Line," Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, 13 3 (2025): 212-222, doi: 10.22098/joape.2024.12858.1977
Dholakiya, V. M., Suthar, B. N. Identification of an Appropriate Operating Strategy under ABT for Frequency Regulation in a Non-Linear Multisource Power System Linked Through a Hybrid AC/DC Tie-Line. Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, 2025; 13(3): 212-222. doi: 10.22098/joape.2024.12858.1977