The Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE), an exceptional platform dedicated to advancing the frontiers of scholarly discourse in the field, is proudly announced by the Faculty of Technical Engineering at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, the university has collaborated with the Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IAEEE) to publish JOAPE. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, JOAPE strives to serve as a beacon of intellectual rigor and scholarly distinction. Through the dissemination of original research articles, our journal endeavors to illuminate the latest advancements, emerging trends, and innovative practices within the dynamic realm of power engineering. Rooted in the principles of academic integrity and ethical conduct, JOAPE fosters an environment conducive to critical inquiry, interdisciplinary dialogue, and the pursuit of knowledge-driven solutions to complex challenges. JOAPE is approved by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology as a scientific journal (No. 225326/3/18 dated 1391/11/29) and is published by the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili through a formal partnership (No. 224 dated 1391/2/26) with IAEEE.


Bibliographic Information
Title Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering
Journal Abbreviated Title J. Oper. Autom. Power Eng.
Abbreviated Alternate Title J. Oper. Autom. Power Eng.
Journal Title Acronym JOAPE

Print    ISSN: 2322-4576

Online ISSN: 2423-4567
Subject Area and Category

Subject Area and Category based on Scopus

Computer Science:

  • Information Systems


  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology


  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  • Applied Mathematics
Coverage Scope
  • Power system operation, control and dynamics
  • Power system analysis, automation and optimization
  • Renewable energy systems and Energy storages
  • Smart grids
  • Microgrids operation and control
  • Electrical machines and drives
  • Power electronics and applications
  • Energy management and efficiency
  • Automation and control in power engineering
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in power engineering
  • High voltage engineering
  • Power quality and reliability
  • Modern electric distribution system
Description The Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE), an exceptional platform dedicated to advancing the frontiers of scholarly discourse in the field, is proudly announced by the Faculty of Technical Engineering at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, the University has collaborated with the Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IAEEE) to publish JOAPE. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, JOAPE strives to serve as a beacon of intellectual rigor and scholarly distinction. Through the dissemination of original research articles, our journal endeavors to illuminate the latest advancements, emerging trends, and innovative practices within the dynamic realm of power engineering. Rooted in the principles of academic integrity and ethical conduct, JOAPE fosters an environment conducive to critical inquiry, interdisciplinary dialogue, and the pursuit of knowledge-driven solutions to complex challenges. JOAPE is approved by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology as a scientific journal (No. 225326/3/18 dated 2013/2/17) and is published by the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili through a formal partnership (No. 224 dated 2013/2/14) with IAEEE.
Language English
Start Year 2013 - Vol. 1, No. 1
Frequency Quarterly
Editor-in-Chief Professor Hossein Shayeghi
Place of Publication Iran, Ardabil
Publisher University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Scientific Sponsorship Society Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IAEEE)
Status Active
Refereed Yes
Peer Review Type Double Blind Peer Review
Primary Review Time 4 days, approximately
Acceptance and Publication Time 12 Weeks
Manuscript acceptance rate 27%
Reference Style IEEE Referencing Style
OCLC Number / Unique Identifier 910830644
Type of Material Serial (Periodical)
Type of Access Open Access (OA)
Type of License CC-BY-NC: Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International
Open Access Statement

JOAPE operates under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, allowing for the unrestricted use and distribution of published articles with proper attribution to the authors and source.

License Conditions:

  • Users are free to share and redistribute the material in any format or medium, including for commercial purposes.
  • Users can also modify, remix, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Advantages of Open Access for Authors:

  • Authors maintain the copyright of their work.
  • Universal free access for readers.
  • Enhanced visibility and readership.
  • No restrictions on content length.
  • Fast publication process.
No publication fees required from authors.
The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
  • All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE) must be free from plagiarism.
  • Submissions will be screened for plagiarism using similarity check and plagiarism detection tools.
  • Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check their manuscripts before submission.
  • Editors at JOAPE will use iThenticate ( and Grammarly detection software ( to ensure the originality of manuscripts.
  • Any manuscript found to contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be immediately rejected.
  • If a manuscript does not comply with plagiarism rules, it will be rejected before acceptance. If plagiarism is discovered post-publication, the article will be retracted and moved to the withdrawn list due to non-compliance with plagiarism policies.
Complaint Process

Authors have the right to raise concerns and request explanations if they identify any misconduct related to our policies and ethical guidelines. To do so, authors can submit a complaint letter to: We adhere to COPE guidelines for handling whistleblower complaints, ensuring the protection of anonymity. All complaints related to work process delinquencies are thoroughly investigated in line with established publication ethics practices. Authors or other scholars may submit complaints about issues such as:

  • Plagiarism
  • Copyright infringement
  • Misrepresentation or inaccuracies in research results
  • Breaches of research ethics and integrity
  • Undisclosed conflicts of interest
  • Bias in the review process
  • Unusually delayed manuscript processing times
  • Unsatisfactory peer-review comments
  • Authorship disputes
Policy for Dealing with Complaints Upon receiving a complaint, we promptly send an acknowledgment to the complainant, assuring them that appropriate action will be taken within three working days, excluding the date of receipt. The journal handling team initiates the investigation process following the directions of the Editor-in-Chief. Once the investigation is complete, a meeting is held to review the findings, and a decision is made. The outcome is then communicated to the concerned scholar via their submitted email address. We view complaints as opportunities to improve our Manuscript Processing System. All complaints are addressed politely, promptly, and with certainty.
Type of Publication (Processing Charges and Publication Charges)

Full-text access: Open Access.

 Publication charges: The University of Mohaghegh Ardabili is supporting all of the publishing costs of the JOAPE. The journal does not have a refereeing process fee.
Revenue Sources Organizational and institutional support
Copyright owner / Copyright holder Authors retain full copyrights and publishing rights. This allows authors to maintain complete control over their work, including the rights to reuse, distribute, and republish their content.
Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  • Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work will be simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), allowing users to share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as well as adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material.
  • Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., posting it to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), provided that there is an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  • Authors are encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal websites) before and during the submission process. This can lead to productive exchanges and earlier, greater citation of published work (See: The Effect of Open Access).
Authorship Prior to manuscript submission, all authors and relevant authorities/institutions have provided consent. The order of authors as intended for publication has been established. Any addition or removal of authors after manuscript acceptance requires a signed statement of consent from all authors. Each author has made substantial contributions to the research. Authors are expected to participate in the peer review process and to address retractions, corrections, or amendments as needed. All conflicts of interest and sources of financial support have been disclosed. Modifications or corrections to a published work necessitate consent from all authors.
COPE JOAPE follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.
Digital Archiving Policy The Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE) collaborates with key organizations such as the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) and the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili's infrastructure for maintaining our digital archive. This partnership ensures the continuous availability and preservation of scholarly research, facilitating accessibility through ongoing updates and conversions of digital file formats to adhere to current technological standards.
Data Citation Data in manuscripts should be cited following the conventions used for articles, books, and web sources. Authors must include data citations in their reference lists. Data citations are appropriate for information stored in institutional, subject-specific, or general data repositories. They do not replace standard practices like citing GenBank accession codes inline. Authors should refer to data in the manuscript where relevant and provide a formal citation in the reference list. The Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE) adheres to the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, requiring citations in the format: Authors; Dataset title; Data repository or archive; Version (if applicable); Year;  Persistent identifier (e.g., DOI).
Data Sharing Policy

The Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (JOAPE) adopts a Basic Data Sharing Policy to foster transparency and facilitate research reproducibility. We encourage authors to share their research data, including raw and processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, methods, and materials, provided this does not compromise human subjects' privacy or violate other legitimate security concerns.

During submission, authors must declare the presence of associated datasets and provide the DOI or hyperlink. It's essential to note that datasets associated with a manuscript are not peer-reviewed as part of JOAPE's submission process, and authors bear responsibility for data accuracy.

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For transparency, authors should include a data accessibility statement with a repository link, which will be published alongside the article. Examples of such statements are provided for guidance:

Data Availability Statement:

  • Data associated with this article are available in the Open Science Framework at [URL].
  • The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name] at[doi], reference number [reference number].
  • The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name] at [URL], reference number [reference number].
  • The data that support the findings of this study are available in [repository name] at [URL/DOI], reference number [reference number]. These data were derived from the following resources available in the public domain: [list resources and URLs]
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Energy Management Research Center, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,  P. O. Box: 179, Ardabil, Iran.

Tel: 00984533515720

Fax: +98 543 3447 908
