Enhancing Smart Grid Systems: A Novel Mathematical Approach for Optimized Fault Recovery and Improved Energy Efficiency

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Technologi Padang, Indonesia.

2 Al-Hadi University College, 10011, Baghdad, Iraq.

3 Al-Manara College for Medical Sciences, Maysan, Iraq.

4 Department of Medical Laboratories Technology, AL-Nisour University College, Baghdad, Iraq.

5 College of Computer, National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar, Iraq.

6 College of Petroleum Engineering, Al-Ayen University, Thi-Qar, Iraq.

7 DSc in Economics, Professor, Department of Management Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan.

8 Department of Informatics, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.

9 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Department of Energy Saving and Automation, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Sustainable and efficient energy solutions are needed in the fast-growing energy sector. Meeting these objectives requires smart distribution networks that maximize energy utilization, eliminate losses, and improve system reliability. However, these networks' usefulness and durability depend on their ability to quickly recover from faults. Intelligent distribution networks can self-heal, which speeds up restoration and ensures energy delivery. This paper proposes a comprehensive strategy for intelligent distribution network self-healing after flaws. Restoration involves identifying and isolating the damaged area using offline and online methods. Online approaches, notably islanding, have helped restore services in the affected region. This paper presents a novel linear mathematical approach to optimize online islanding. The model estimates the boundaries of islanded microgrids and the appropriate number of microgrids for faults, enabling quick restoration. This analysis also seeks to determine the fault-affected area's system layout. A mathematical model defines the ideal arrangement in the first layer of the two-layered approach. The next layer analyzes unit participation in the intelligent distribution system, focusing on rescheduling, allocation, and organization. Additionally, the study identifies the best energy storage solutions to aid restoration. The recommended strategy uses adaptive load reduction and demand response to maximize system recovery. The mathematical model benefits from various strategies, including faster execution and better outcomes. This research advances intelligent distribution networks by combining advanced mathematical modeling, self-healing, and smart load control. These upgrades boost distribution networks' effectiveness.


Main Subjects

Volume 11, Special Issue
Sustainable Power Systems, Energy Management, and Global Warming
March 2023
  • Receive Date: 20 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 26 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 04 March 2024
  • First Publish Date: 04 March 2024