A Sampling Method based on System State Transition for Distribution System Adequacy Assessment using Distributed Generation

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Medi-Caps University, Indore, India

2 Gokhale Education Society R.H.Sapat COEMS\&R, Nashik, India

3 Medi-Caps Univeristy, Indore, India


A sampling method is proposed related to-system state transition based Monte Carlo simulation (SSTMCS) for the adequacy assessment in the radial distribution system (RDS) in the presence of distributed generation (DG) termed as a composite distribution system (CDS). This method evaluates well-being indices such as probabilities, frequency, and duration indices in healthy, marginal, and risky states. A deterministic criterion is used for adequacy assessment. Samples are generated using a load flow program for RDS used in SSTMCS. The loss sensitivity factor is utilized for the positioning of DGs in RDS. DG capacity and load at buses are considered continuous random variables. Different cases are addressed to demonstrate the impact of varying DG capacities on well-being indices. Moreover, the results are compared with the state enumeration method (SEM). IEEE-33 bus RDS is considered for this study.


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Volume 11, Issue 4
December 2023
Pages 249-257
  • Receive Date: 03 December 2021
  • Revise Date: 23 July 2022
  • Accept Date: 27 September 2022
  • First Publish Date: 05 October 2022